On the occasion of the production The Kindly Ones, Romaeuropa joined the project with a different and unusual perspective, offering a diverse image of the Eternal City through the eyes of the Invisible spaces. We asked the Dynamis actors’ collective to explore the city of Rome within three days, h24, focusing on what remains excluded from the view, the urban underbrush, the unseen, the geography and identity upside downs, while facing slopes, gradients, heights and depressions. Pietro, the 25 years old guide of the project explored Rome in a limited and dense period of time.
Every day at 6pm a group of 30 people joined Pietro and was invited to get lost in the city and to contribute with photos, writings and statements. At 10pm Pietro had to say goodbye to everybody and look for a place to sleep.
All pictures were taken with tools differing from the “smart” ones of common devices. The analog devices are finite, pictures deteriorate, and since the Polaroid camera films costs 23€ each, for 8 shots, the chances of use are objectively limited. A total of 24 shots was available to the participants, who have had to carefully choose and shoot together.
Here on Invisible-cities is the travery diary of the project, a taxonomic feedback on invisibility in Rome, the measure of its unevenness and its depressions, of those who live in basements and under the Tiber’s banks, with no sensationalism. An ethnographic and collective narrative work document which apparently doesn’t have a linear meaning. It ‘a list of writings, sketches, doodles, notes, observations and revelations of the three-day long adventure. Going through the collected material, people got lost among the documents they produced, losing themselves around the city. In order to read it, you’ll need to do the same and arm yourselves with the trip’s own intentions.